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    Software Engineer with more than 15 years of professional experience in designing, building, and deploying robust server-side solutions across diverse cloud environments. My career spans multiple industries, including management consulting, healthcare, energy and utilities, video games, and academic research. I specialize in Backend Development, Data Engineering, and DevOps. Additionally, I possess a strong background in AI development, with practical experience using the OpenAI API and contributing to the LangChain project.


    • 2009 – 2011 Master in Software Engineer and Artificial Intelligence, Universidad de Málaga.

    • 2002 – 2007 Computer and Software Engineering, Universidad de Málaga.

      5-year university degree. Bachelor Thesis approved with Special Distinction.



    • Since Apr 2021 Freelance, MLOps Engineer & DevOps.

      • MLOps and DevOps for one of the top 10 pharmaceutical companies.
      • Admin DKube/Kubeflow/Kubernetes infrastructure.
      • Create and deploy Kubeflow pipelines, and models with KServe.
      • Work with data scientist teams to support them in all the stages of the ML lifecycle. That includes: creating proof of concepts, helping with specific parts of the code, deploying in production, develop utility libraries and templates, custom Docker images, writing documentation, and training sessions.
      • Manage AWS infrastructure using IaC (Infrastructure as Code) with Terraform, GitLab CI pipelines, and data engineering for Business Analytics project.
    • Nov 2018 - Mar 2021 Cathedral Software, Senior Data Engineer & DevOps.

      • Build solutions for one of the biggest management consulting firms in the world.
      • Backend services for web applications using Django REST Framework for API, Celery for background tasks, and Django Channels for notifications.
      • Work with Data Science team to design and implement cloud architecture solutions in both AWS & Azure, using Terraform.
      • Implement continuous integration with different stacks: CircleCI, Azure DevOps, Docker, Helm, and Kubernetes.
    • Feb 2018 - Nov 2018 Virtually Live, Senior Server Engineer & DevOps.

      • Responsible for designing full real-time data pipeline architecture from the ingestion of telemetry from live events (Formula E), processing, and serve the output stream data to mobile games at scale.
      • Implement the key parts of the architecture in Python using technologies like ZeroMQ, Kafka and Tornado.
      • Work closely with Data Science team to provide a stream processing framework using Apache Heron for their needs.
      • Deployment of a Kubernetes cluster in AWS using Ansible (before EKS existed), including hosted applications using Helm, and continuos integration with Jenkins.
      • Contributions to open source project Apache Heron in order to fix deployment to Kubernetes and complete its documentation.
      • Work with R&D department designing and developing a prototype for a real time computer vision app using deep learning with Keras.
    • 2017-2018 Cathedral Software, Senior Software Engineer.

      • Work on the data pipeline of the business intelligence platform of one of the largest travel web companies.
      • Develop ETL in Airflow to calculate KPIs and provide reporting capabilities for internal tools of the client company.
      • Responsible to design and develop backend solution to provide real time chat and other features to mobile app using Tornado.
    • 2015 - 2017 VATIA Energía, Software Engineering Manager.

      • Responsible to design and develop a web platform for automatic Virtual Energetic Audit and Energetic Benchmarking.
      • Develop key parts of the system: Node.js APIs, background tasks using Celery for monitoring, and data analysis/reporting with Pandas and Matplotlib.
      • Responsible for recruiting technical staff: write job descriptions, qualify resumes, interview candidates and provide assessments.
    • 2011 – 2013 Melomics Media, Backend Developer & System Administrator.

      • Server side development and deployment of a massive online repository of computer generated music, with search, streaming, purchases and public API.
      • Administration of a cluster of Debian servers.
      • Development of automatic video edition software with additional post-processing capabilities as chroma key, filters, titles, subtitles, publishing,…
      • Technologies: Python,, MongoDB, ElasticSearch, Memcached. APIs: Paypal, Google Wallet, Facebook, Google+.
    • 2009 – 2011 Universidad de Málaga, Researcher.

      • Computer vision research in the department of “Computational Intelligence and Image Analysis”, managed by José Muñoz Perez and Enrique Dominguez Merino.
      • Technologies: Python, C++, OpenCV, cvBlob, Matlab, Octave.
    • 2007 – 2009 Tedial, Backend Developer & System Administrator.

      • Server-side media storage technologies.
      • Development of an interpreter for a custom programming language designed for testing DB operations.
      • Authentication, authorization, and access control with LDAP.
      • Management software for surveillance cameras.
      • Deployment of software and administration of several SuSE Enterprise Server client installations.
      • Technologies: C++, Python, Oracle, SOAP.
    • 2005 – 2006 Novasoft, Software & Web Developer.

      • Educational video games in Flash.
      • Started in a one month scholarship, but then the company hired for a longer project.
      • Technologies: Flash, ActionScript, HTML, Javascript.

    Master Thesis

    Title: “Shape recognition through new convexity descriptors”

    Supervisors: José Muñoz Perez, Enrique Dominguez Merino

    Description: For this project several new convexity descriptors were devised. Then they were tested in the recognition of the American Sign Language used by deaf people.

    Bachelor Thesis

    Title: “A Video Surveillance System for Fall Detection”

    Supervisors: José Muñoz Perez

    Description: Development of a video surveillance software to automatically detect the fall of persons.

    Personal Projects

    • Since 2021 Mukabe Land,

      • Web3 collaborative two-dimensional canvas, divided into lands, that are tradeable NFTs.
      • Responsible for all technical parts of the project: backend, web frontend, smart contract, infrastructure, CI/CD.

    Free Software Projects


    • Spanish Native
    • English Fluent


    Computer skills

    Languages: Python, Bash script, JavaScript.

    Software Engineering: TDD (Test-Driven Development), Clean Architecture, Scrum, Git-flow, Trunk-Based Development.

    Databases: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, ElasticSearch, Redis, Snowflake.

    Frameworks: Django, Django REST framework, FastAPI, Celery, Airflow, Vue.

    Infrastructure: Kubernetes, AWS, Azure, DigitalOcean, Supabase, Render, Vercel, Railway.

    Deployment: Docker, Helm, Jenkins, Terraform, Ansible, Supervisor, Nginx.

    Data Science: Kubeflow, KServe, DKube, Pandas, TensorFlow, Keras, JupyterLab.

    AI: OpenAI API, LangChain (contributor), prompt engineering, Pinecone, ChromaDB.

    Web3: Solidity, HardHat, Vyper, Brownie,, ether.js, Alchemy API.

    Environments: Git, Make, Vim/NeoVim, tmux, Bash, Fish, Visual Studio Code.

    Personal skills


    • Ability to find creative solutions.
    • Strong analytical, able to anticipate issues, resolve concerns and improve efficiency.
    • Care of coding standards and best practices.
    • Eager to learn and develop new skills.


    • Ability to work without direct supervision.
    • Great written communication skills (wide experience in both Spanish and English).


    Software architecture, GNU/Linux, free software, blockchain, web3, image processing, computer vision, computer graphics, artificial intelligence, No-Code.