Cristóbal Carnero Liñán

Backend Developer and DevOps.

Curriculum Vitae

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Software Engineer with more than 15 years of professional experience in designing, building, and deploying robust server-side solutions across diverse cloud environments. My career spans multiple industries, including management consulting, healthcare, energy and utilities, video games, and academic research. I specialize in Backend Development, Data Engineering, and DevOps. Additionally, I possess a strong background in AI development, with practical experience using the OpenAI API and contributing to the LangChain project.




Master Thesis

Title: “Shape recognition through new convexity descriptors”

Supervisors: José Muñoz Perez, Enrique Dominguez Merino

Description: For this project several new convexity descriptors were devised. Then they were tested in the recognition of the American Sign Language used by deaf people.

Bachelor Thesis

Title: “A Video Surveillance System for Fall Detection”

Supervisors: José Muñoz Perez

Description: Development of a video surveillance software to automatically detect the fall of persons.

Personal Projects

Free Software Projects



Computer skills

Languages: Python, Bash script, JavaScript.

Software Engineering: TDD (Test-Driven Development), Clean Architecture, Scrum, Git-flow, Trunk-Based Development.

Databases: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, ElasticSearch, Redis, Snowflake.

Frameworks: Django, Django REST framework, FastAPI, Celery, Airflow, Vue.

Infrastructure: Kubernetes, AWS, Azure, DigitalOcean, Supabase, Render, Vercel, Railway.

Deployment: Docker, Helm, Jenkins, Terraform, Ansible, Supervisor, Nginx.

Data Science: Kubeflow, KServe, DKube, Pandas, TensorFlow, Keras, JupyterLab.

AI: OpenAI API, LangChain (contributor), prompt engineering, Pinecone, ChromaDB.

Web3: Solidity, HardHat, Vyper, Brownie,, ether.js, Alchemy API.

Environments: Git, Make, Vim/NeoVim, tmux, Bash, Fish, Visual Studio Code.

Personal skills




Software architecture, GNU/Linux, free software, blockchain, web3, image processing, computer vision, computer graphics, artificial intelligence, No-Code.