
    Currently working as a freelancer and consultant.


    • Full Tech Stack Capability with tools like Python, Django, and FastAPI, and integration in Next.js, Vue, and more.
    • Scalable Cloud Solutions using AWS, Kubernetes, and IaC (Infrastructure as Code) with Terraform, Ansible, and CDK.
    • Advanced AI Integration with experience in LLMs, with OpenAI API, and LangChain.
    • Strategic Consultancy: I help you architect bespoke solutions, as well as define and hire the necessary roles for your project.
    • Discovery Projects and MVPs: Start with a focused project to identify strategic solutions, or develop an MVP to quickly bring your concept to life.

    Ready to start building?

    Start with a discovery project or MVP and see immediate value. Contact me today at me@cristob.al to discuss your needs, or schedule a call.